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Residents of a community know their hopes and dreams for their neighborhood — safe streets with decent and affordable homes, a place to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, a park for the kids to play, a school where students thrive.


Through Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity's neighborhood revitalization work, we tailor our efforts by partnering locally with residents and community leaders and organizations to best address real concerns and improve the lives of the people who live in the neighborhood. With residents leading revitalization efforts, Habitat’s work looks different in each community — a bank and grocery store in one, a youth center in another, walking trails, home repairs and community gardens in yet another.

What does neighborhood revitalization look like?

Stable, affordable housing is a key determinant of health. The house and neighborhood where one grows up impacts the health and longevity of one's life.

Neighborhood revitalization recognizes the holistic nature of neighborhood priorities to create change across multiple sectors. In order to create change that leads to the an improved quality of life, Habitat created the Quality of Life Framework. Based on learning from Habitat affiliates and other community development experts, the Quality of Life Framework was developed to serve as a customizable and comprehensive approach to understand how the ultimate goal, an improved quality of life, can be achieved in a neighborhood. The Quality of Life Framework is Habitat’s hypothesis on how systemic and sustainable change happens in a neighborhood.


Recognizing that stable and affordable housing directly impacts health, safety, education and community engagement, Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity will seek out low wealth families who desire the responsibility of homeownership and wish to dedicate themselves to neighborhood uplift while breaking the cycle of generational poverty. We will provide affordable housing solutions in areas where our community partners support our vision by answering other needs such as community safety, availability of food and services, transportation and recreation.

Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity strives to be at the center of both urban community revitalization and rural community stabilization in Cumberland, Sampson, and Bladen counties. We will intentionally build small clusters of homes while creating strategic revitalization and repair in both rural and urban settings. We will engage area churches and religious institutions, employers, school systems and other non-profit organizations in realizing these goals. When done well, our collaborations with area municipalities, county governments and other key partners will lead to substantive change in the lives of people and communities


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Seeking to put God's love into action, Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope..

733 Bargain St. Fayetteville, NC 28303

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@2024 Fayetteville Area Habitat for Humanity. All Rights Reserved.         Tax ID# 56-1610250  501(c)(3)        Privacy Policy       

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