Amidst the hustle and bustle of construction, there's a sign of community flying high on Maloney Avenue. Recently, a heartwarming encounter between a retired Veteran and transitioning soldiers from Home Builder Institute (HBI) exemplified the power of our collective efforts. During a day of work on the job site, Mr. Joe’s door was knocked on by a recent HBI graduate who is now a Construction Supervisor at Fayetteville Area Habitat of Humanity. Standing behind him, as the neighbor, Mr. Joe opened the door was the HBI crew standing together with a new American flag.
The staff of FAHFH had noticed that his Veteran flag was weathered and worn and ordered a new one to be changed by the transitioning soldiers. Mr. Joe thanked the soldiers and staff for the new flag and community.
Mr. Joe is affectionately known as the "Grandfather of the neighborhood." A retired Veteran, Mr. Joe has spent his days tending to his vibrant rose garden and caring for his beloved chickens. As he watches the revitalization of his neighborhood unfold, he reminisces about the days when it was filled with laughter and love. Now, with FAHFH's five-home project on Maloney Avenue, he's filled with hope for the future.
Mr. Joe takes pride in overseeing the construction of the five homes from his front porch. These homes are made possible through partnerships with organizations like The Women’s Giving Circle, HBI, and Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC). The homes will provide affordable homeownership opportunities to five partner families. With mortgages less than 30% of their income, these families will experience newfound stability and security.
At FAHFH, moments like these remind us of the profound impact we can make when we come together as a community. As we continue our mission of building homes, community, and hope, we're grateful for each person who plays a part in our journey. Together, we're not just changing lives—we're transforming futures.
Our Veteran Build season of service starts on 9/11 in remembrance of that day and ends on Veterans’ Day. We use this time to work on Veteran home-build sites and Veteran owned homes in need of repairs. Please consider joining us either through volunteering on a construction site, sponsoring our Veteran Build events, or spreading the word. Please give us a call at (910) 483-0952 to learn more. Join us as we build a brighter tomorrow, one home, one neighborhood, and one heart at a time!